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What did you learn in 2015?

Hello all, As we wind down this year we all need to stop and take a personal survey of what did you learn this year? Every situation gives you a chance to learn something. For me 2015 has open up the door for me with my live internet radio show Spiritual Coaching with Ari Mac every Friday at 12 pm noon PST on powered by I Heart Radio network, Candles by Ari my company expanding not only my product line but into the retail outlet stores and enjoy my work with PTSA here in California. It's important for me to keep the balane of work and family because I want to show my daughter how to be successful but also how to be happy with being successful. That would include health, wealth , love and perfect self expression. For me this take a daily choice to exercise my mind and body with meditation and yoga everyday. What does that mean to you? Are you taking are of yourself? Do you want to feel better about the direction you are going in next year? Ok, them let's make that a choice. Notice what I am saying choice not goal. It's important you keep in mind that you are choosing to do better. Someday will be easier then others but if you make the CHOICE to keep trying everyday you will eventually hit your goal. We all have a divine design in our heart. You have to make a choice if you want to be true to yourself or do what other tell yout to do. It's up to you. So I ask you again What did you learn in 2015? Love you to hear what you learned in 2015 and you can share that we with me serveral ways: 1. emai me at candlesbyari@yahoo.como 2. call in my show Spiritual Coaching with Ari Mac Friday's at noon (PST) 818-570-k4hd 3. like us on Facebook at Candles By Ari 4. follow us on twitter @candlesbyari 5. follow us on instagram msarimac It's all about choosing what way works best for you! Love and Light, Ari Mac

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