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Our Newsletter - June 2023

Greeting and Salutations, I feel like it's been forever since I sent out my blog. Life has challenged me in so many ways but I still keep up with my daily affirmation aromatherapy candles and meditation every day. So let me share and bring you guys up to speed.

After a very successful holiday season, I finally agreed to schedule my dental appointment for my gum issues. Just for the record, I knew I was having problems since before the pandemic but I was not confident in going into the dentist office because of Covid-19 and all the confusion. I am not proud of myself. I choose to wait and it was not the right choice. When I went in I was told the worst news possible; that my gums were badly infected and underlying genetic issues made it worse. My teeth would all have to be removed and then I could proceed with implants. Here is the issue: I am not very good with surgery of any kind. You guys know I am sensitive and my doctor had to put me under anesthesia to knock me out. My recovery was long and painful. See, what no one tells you is how much of a toll anesthesia takes on your body. I truly didn't realize how much pain I would be in and I wouldn't be able to eat a thing. My mouth is my livelyhood and to have to sit is silence was hell. I remember waking up at 3:20 am crying in pain and rolling. I ended up on the bathroom floor repeating my affirmations in my mind and smelling my candles. Yes, they gave me some pain killers but it didn't help. So I just had to remind myself of the power of my mind over my body and that even with the pain, I was going to be alright. That was in January. In February I got a part in a music video in the title role! I was so nervous. I explained to the director/producer, Cesar Cardona, the dental issues I was dealing with and to my surprise he said, "No problem. We can use this for the character Rosemary, which is the name of the song see below for link:

That was a huge positive boost to my soul. I miss acting and there is no such thing as a small part, only small actors! I am so proud of that work. I will be having Cesar on my podcast in June to share what inspired him to write such a moving song and what keeps him

inspirited. Speaking of the podcast, have you heard them lately? Well, if not, take a listen to a couple of these while you are going about your day. It's free and you can't beat the insight. I promise you will find something in it to make your smile on the inside. We have over 250 episodes up on Listen and share! Consider them as your positive mental exercise to keep your head clear and heart open. I've included links to the last 3 espisodes:

In April, I was a speaker at the Black Candle Maker's Club convention here in LA. This group is so delightful! They came from all over the country to share in the joy of candle making. So for me it was like speaking to the choir! I got to share my love of fragrance and colors and a bit of my intuitive nature, so everyone had a great time!

I have been called the Affirmation Aromatherapy Queen because my products, services affirmations and classes work; but you be the judge for yourself.

In the midst of all of the changes in my life, I created some new packages for CBA under the Spiritual Wellness Program! The new packages include candles, meditation, affirmations notebooks and even a session with me!! Check this out:

Don't forget to share these with folks you know that need some positive energy in their day to day life; which brings me to June upcoming events:

Weekly Live Podcast: Every Thursday live on at 2 pm PST/4 pm CST/ 5pm EST. We are also airing on all of my Facebook links as well. By the way can you give me a few stars? Facebook has started a star system so please support me by giving me a few stars on Facebook. Thank you! If you miss the show, not to worry. All episodes are available on iHeart Radio under Spiritual Coach Ari Mac.
Monthly Mindful Guided Meditations: Sunday, June 11th & 25th at 3pm PST/5pm CST/6pm EST. If you can't attend the live session, don't worry. I created a virtual library of my Zoom meditation sessions. I'll send you the link and you can listen at your convenience. Meditation is wonderful for establishing mindset and combined with the affirmation aromatherapy candles, I find folks have a better outlook for the rest of the week. Cost: $25

Fragrance and Color Class at General Wax & Candle Co in North Hollywood: Saturday, June 10th at 10am PST. This class shows you what spiritual color means and teaches how combining fragrance and color can set you up for success at anytime. Cost: $35

NEW Weekly Prayer Circle-: 5 mins a week I will hold a mini prayer session to keep us all in balance. You have to be a member of my community to have access to this program. This is a free program. though donations are always appreciated. Cost: $0

As you can see we are growing. Expect to see more of me and my staff, as they will be reaching out to you as well through email, reels and videos, letting you know what's coming up next.

We, as a people, are going to be asked to grow and learn to help our fellow human beings progress. I am committed to reaching my goals but I can't do it without you. Life is so fragile and one or two things can put your life in a direction you do not want to go in. Protect your mental wellbeing. Get yourself some affirmations aromatherapy candles that work, by Ari.
Special thank you to all of my family-Yaya, Patty, Sandra, Jennifer, and my staff, Bridgette and Yvette. I would not do this work without you watching my back. Thank you!

I want to grow and expand my brand so please keep me in your prayers.

Look forward to seeing you soon.

Ari Mac President Candles by Ari, Inc.



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 No animals were harmed in the making of our candles or this site.

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