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Everyone Makes Mistakes

Greetings and Salutations,

This is so near and dear to me as a Spiritual Life Coach. We learn with challenges. Notice what I said: we learn WITH challenges. The only way we grow is with a situation that requires us to be the best we can be.

As you may know, I am Ari Mc Intyre, a Spiritual Life Coach with a successful live weekly radio show

called "Spiritual Life Coaching With Ari Mac". My show is carried by iHeart Radio. I am also an affirmation aromatherapy candle maker and a writer. So, when I say to you that everyone makes mistakes, I am speaking from experience.

You are your own worst enemy. You will find a fault where others would not dare look. Why? Because, we as people, need to learn how to trust, believe, and support ourselves just as we have to learn how to trust, believe, and support others. We are all connected whether you believe that or not. It's important to accept and understand that from the beginning so you can lean how you, as a person, deal with life challenges. Knowing yourself helps you to laugh at yourself and not take yourself so seriously. Life is what we make it. A part of life is making choices which can lead to mistakes. It doesn't mean we will always make bad choices or keep making the same mistakes. Knowing yourself is the key to not allowing every setback, every challenge, and every bad turn of events to make you shut down and stop trying to achieve your goals. In my coaching, I have seen many of my clients move from being average everyday people to powerful people who are now running very successful businesses. How did that happen? With a lot of choices, mistakes, and learning from those mistakes! No one can hurt you or help you more than yourself.

Here is an affirmation that has help me over the years to stay on my path:

I, (state your full name), forgive myself for making bad choices. I let go and let my higher power now guide me to my true path. Under Grace in Perfect Way! And so it is!

I would also suggest burning a white candle with vanilla so you can set the stage for a relaxing mindset. Say that affirmation over and over again to see the changes in your life. Learning how to forgive yourself is the key. Knowing you made poor decisions is hard, but with this affirmation, aromatherapy, and lots of love, you can help yourself grow into the person you would like to be.

So here are more suggestions:

1. Slow down - Take a few moments to think about what you are doing.

2. Talk to a trusted person - It's always nice to speak with someone who knows you and believes in what you are doing.

3. Do a Pro and Con list - Think about all of the possible outcomes before you make your final choice.

Making mistakes is a part of life so don't let your choices rule you. Make informed decisions so you can continue until your reach your goals.

Remember, we go live on and Facebook Live every Friday at 12 noon PST. Here is a taste of my episode about "Everyone Makes Mistakes":

Check out my meditation classes at the RPM Studio in North Hollywood. Space is limited reserve your space today at:

Guest blogger and friend of ours, Priya Bradfield, is blogging about Summer 2017. She's had a busy July (whatever happened to lazy summers?) and she's sharing her travels through mommyhood over at her blog, You Know Nothing, Mommy.

And check out the rest of my website at Candles By Ari. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email me at

Love and Light,

Ari Mc Intyre

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