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Mercury Retrograde Reveals

Let’s talk about Mercury retrograde - what did it reveal? Did it reveal where we need a little more work in our lives? We get so caught up in our everyday lives that we forget how to just be. When the planet of communication is not flowing with the earth's gravitational pull, it's going to have some effect on our day to day life. Even if you don't believe in astrology you have to know we are not in control of everything around us. We have Mercury retrogrades at least 4 times a year and I have always believed that if we pay attention to the natural flow of energy around us, we can stay in balance. This is truly the divine design but we must first take that step of faith in trusting how the energy will bless us.

This month, I would suggest focusing on releasing things that do not work for you anymore. The holidays are coming up so let’s do some planning now. Where do you want to be at the end of this year? Who do you want to spend your precious time with? Not sure what that looks like? Then let’s do some meditation on this. Try to spend at least 5 minutes a day just breathing. Listen to your heart beat. It sounds so simple but how many of us really do it on a regular basis? I am challenging you to do this at least once a day.

Have you noticed your electronics acting up and maybe had a few times where you mixed up your numbers? The Yellow Verbena Communication Clarifier is designed to keep you from getting tongue tied. It’s one of my all time best seller. Get yours today!

Please don’t forget to listen to Spiritual Coaching with Ari Mac live every Friday at 12 noon PST on and steaming live on Facebook.

Take a listen to previous show:

Next Mediation Class will be Sunday, September 24th at RPM Studios!!!

In the meantime, head over to our good friend Priya Bradfield's blog. This month, she's talking about the power of sharing your truth. You never know the impact your words will have on another life.

Love and Light,

Ari Mac

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