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2018 Forecast for Each Zodiac Sign

Greeting and Salutations,

Listen up! We have some major shifts this coming year. I can't break everything down to the finest point but I can give you a theme for each sign. I will even give you a heads up for Mercury retrogrades! Of course, if you want more info, please contact me to set up an appointment today. I've made this as simple as I could for right now. Good Luck and let's make this a good year!!!

Aries - Finish what you start! Looks like June will be a major shift.

Taurus - Learn to trust yourself - you'll have challenges in October.

Gemini - Pick your partners carefully! Major retrograde March 22-April 14th, July 26th-August 18th, and November 17th-December 5th.

Cancer - Jupiter, sister sign of Scorpio, gives you the extra push - take the lead!

Leo - Time to take yourself seriously especially after your birthday.

Virgo - Retrograde days from Gemini apply to you as well, but I really need you to pay attention to the BIG picture.

Libra - Get rid of the player in your circle - you deserve better.

Scorpio - Jupiter is in your sun sign. Plan, commit, and execute your true goal!

Sagittarius - So sensitive. You will be wear your heart on your sleeve so better get used to it.

Capricorn - Be honest with yourself and stop acting like you don't need anybody!

Aquarius - Don't be taken advantage of - put you first!

Pisces - Deal with your dreams coming true!

Love and Light,


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