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Letting Things Be...

Greeting and Salutations, I hope this blogpost finds you in good spirits with a smile on your face. If not, don't fret! We can always find a way to work out anything. Just don't give up!! This month has as been really overwhelming with the Florida school shooting. My heart broke at thinking of any child having their life taken away from them, especially at school!! Please burn a least one white candle for this coming week for all of us. Change is coming and we all need to look at ourselves really hard in the mirror.

We are just leaving Aquarius energy and now we are in Pisces energy. Feeling a little out of sorts? You will adjust. Jupiter being in Scorpio energy gives this Pisces energy a lot of mysterious energy. This will be going on till mid March and then we have a Mercury retrograde starting around the 22nd of March. My suggestions is to stock up on the spices you like to eat, get some comfortable clothing, and trust that the spirit has a plan. But we have to do our part, so please make sure you are taking care of your body. If nothing else, make sure you are drinking enough water to keep you calm. I did a whole series this month on the show about taking care of your insides. Check them out at:

On a lighter note, I will be hosting a Pisces karaoke birthday celebration in the city of Burbank, California at Los Amigo's Bar & Grill on March 3rd from 9pm to closing. Admission is FREE but you must sing or dance at least once! If you happen to be traveling that way, please stop by. and to all of my Aquarius and Pisces friends - Happy Birthday. This month's candle color is White and here is the Affirmation to go with it: I now allow this pure white light to shine....Under Grace in Perfect way and so it is! Meditation Classes will be back in March look for next blog with dates, time and locations.

Are my friend on my Facebook page? Instagram? Twitter? Well, that is where you can see all of my adventures including my live broadcasts of my show. Find me!!

And finally, something is not working on my shopping cart for you guys to buy candles. But you can buy sessions for one on one meditation or other sessions that are offered. So if you need any candles just email me directly at and I will take care of you! Love and Light, Ari Mac

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