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Getting Your Mojo Back

Greeting and Salutations,

Can you believe it's SUMMER TIME! Wow, we are at the half way point of the year. I would like you guys to take a few moments and review your goals so far for this year. How have you been doing? Personally, I have not been feeling like myself lately, so that is why I wanted to do this episode on the weekly show - Spiritual Coaching with Ari Mac. We are live on every Friday at 1 pm PST time. But if you miss it, don't worry! All of our podcasts are available on demand on 24/7.

Please take some time out to listen to the show: Getting Your Mojo BACK!

It really is a labor of love that I am honored to do each week. The affirmations have helped many people find their inner balance and I know it can help you too. But you have to put in the work. The affirmation I have been finding a great deal of success with is:

I, (STATE YOUR NAME) accept, have, and enjoy my new process. Under Grace in perfect way and So it is!

Child pose in Yoga represents letting go and getting your MOJO back! You have to let go of what you thought and open up to new opportunities.

Use this affirmation along with the Yellow Communication candle to create the lifestyle you desire. Direct your mind to what you really want in life. Don't expect others to do it for you. Besides, you have all you need inside of you. You just have to believe in YOURSELF!!!

You see, real Mojo comes from being confident in the direction you have chosen in your life. It is that belief that creates a sense of purpose that we all strive to have in our lives. When you are doing your affirmations you are calling into focus that which is yours by divine right. Your words have power and meaning but it's the belief that truly take your convictions to the level you desire.

Here's the link to the show again: Getting Your Mojo BACK!

Take this half way month to seriously look at your life. Are you where you want to be? Are you happy? Is the glass half empty or half full? Be honest! This is just between you and your higher power. Don't worry if you feel life is not where you want it to have time to change your direction.

With this being an election year, I am also going to ask you guys to please get out and vote. It's truly the people who vote in our leader, change our laws, and allow people in our public office to represent the people! Our kids deserve leader who are going to put them 1st!! It is no secret I do a lot of volunteering for the PTA so I am big time PRO kids because they are truly our future. OK, enough of my soap box just vote!!

The thing about aromatherapy candles is they can help heal your mind, body, and soul by creating a ambience to help you relax. Relaxing helps the heart and mind blend together to get your life the way you want. I've been doing this work for a long time and I can tell you the colors and scents work. Remember smell is the strongest sense we have. Use it to find your balance.

If you have any questions, show ideas, or suggestions please email me.

Love and Light,

Ari Mac

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