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Mid Point 2018

We are half way into 2018 and I wanted to do a little check in with you all. How have you been doing? Are you moving in the direction you have been meditating on? This month, I want us to meditate on improving our direction in life. Mediations and Affirmations go hand in hand...that is why I am so devoted to my affirmation lines of candles. Just as music has certain notes that hold a certain note so does my affirmations aromatherapy candles. What make my candles stand out is the affirmations with my candles truly work to help people change their mind set. Look, we are effected by the events that are going on around us. And even if you don't want to admit it to anyone one else.

I have to share this story with you. In the last few months, I have had to endure more pain emotionally then I have ever experienced in my life. In this process, I continued to use my candles everyday and say my affirmations over and over again to myself. Every time things got really tight, I would affirm for the positive and keep my head up. Then one day, I realized that I had created such a strong spiritual habit that, even in my darkest hours, I knew my words and prayers have meaning. I knew that as long as I keep doing what I could to stay centered and strong, something good would work out. I came to understand that is where your heart has got to go to find your peace. There is a process to finding that balance in your life but the price is taking care of your being. Your entire being - heart, mind, body and soul. If you don't find this balance, you may find life not to be as fulfilling as it could be with positive energy around you. Being a coach doesn't give me a magic wand to make my own issues go away. Being a coach gives me the inner resources to know when I need help and reach out to my network for support.

That is why I advocate for therapy, be it alone or in group siting {you choose} but everyone needs help. If you feel you need to speak someone, please check your local hospital directory for recommendations in your area.

Mercury Retrograde began on July 25th and ends on August 18th. Once again, you are being given a heads up on what the Universe has in store for us for the next few weeks. Please make note that the sun is also in Leo, so pay attention to how that can affect your attitude!

Spiritual Coaching with Ari Mac is live every Friday on and all podcasts are available on streaming on demand 24/7. We do have a new time slot of 1 pm PST. Please set your notifications on so you don't miss our show live.

We have some new product items come out on the site very soon. My candles are all made out of soy that is a more natural wax. But we do not make candles just for atmosphere but to help light your senses to relax and make better choices. I have always made sure that whatever you see on the site is what you will get at home. Not always a easy task but if it was easy everyone would do it, right?

Remember to share this info with all the people you love and don't forget to follow us on FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Love and Light,

Ari Mac

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 No animals were harmed in the making of our candles or this site.

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