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Retrograde in full effect

Greetings and Salutations,

I wanted to wish you all Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Candles By We also have Mercury planet of communications in a retrograde. This retrograde will be more challenging this time due to if falling in the sign of Sagittarius the opposing sign of Gemini. Which mean the opposite will be running the show. Communications will be challenged. Folks are just not paying attention until it effects them. So with the holidays right in the middle you can see how not paying attention at this time could get you in HOT WATER!! The retrograde started on Nov 18th and ends Dec 7th which makes everyone a little nuts. Not a time to talk long term and if you do be prepared for fall out because information is not clear now. On the other hand, I have spent the last 2 hour writing and rewriting the blog for one reason or another. Finally, I had to stop and ask my best friend could I use her Mac computer. I personally do not like using Mac but with this retrograde. I am being forced to choose a path that I would not normally use. See you are going to have to make adjustment with this retrograde. Don't get to attached to folks talking crap. They are not thinking and you can always ask them later, What did they mean?

Love one another

Look we all have to get with the programs the Universe has in store for all of us. I say don't quite doing what you are doing. Just know you have to be more determined then ever with this crappy retrograde.

Now for more pleasant news! We have new candle collections coming out this season. For years, I have spent time with my client trying to figure out what color, fragrance, and scents would help them to achieve that peaceful scent. Well, I did it and you guys will be seeing it later this week!!!! Starting next year, I will be transforming CBA into a lifestyle company so that I can expand the product like way beyond candles. That is why my trademark include Aromatherapy beyond the senses. That is my life dream to create products that folks can use to keep their center and balance.

So look forward to receiving more info on that very soon.

Please tune into Spiritual Coaching with Ari Mac every Friday on at 1 pm PST. We are growing but I cannot do that without you. Share, forward, and let me hear from your ideas of what you would like to know about in 2019.

Check out the latest episode at

Love and Light,

Ari Mac

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