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Visualization & Meditation

Greetings and Salutations!

I hope this blog finds you well and in good health. This last month on the Spiritual Coaching with Ari Mac show, we have been talking about vision boards, meditation, and taking better care of your body. I hope that you are taking time out to put some of my affirmations into good use. As we go into this last part of this year, I want you all to know how proud I am of YOU!!! Yeah, I said you! You are trying and that is all anyone can ask for. It's when we give up, that life can become very hard. But you guys are not making life hard for yourself. By listening to my show, using your affirmations, and actively listening to what is going on inside of you, you are working toward the life you have always dreamed about. So as we end September, please remember - You are doing a great job.

I got a chance this month to interview one of my long time colleagues who literally manifested everything she wanted within 6 months using her vision board! Cherlye Anne Townsend has been working towards her goals and knows what it take to make it happen. In the episode linked to below, she shares her secrets on how she manifested her dreams in such a short period of time. Check out this episode and let me know what you think:

It's so important to see growth when are working for yourself and that is why I encourage everyone to get a notebook and write your affirmations along with important info so you can keep up with yourself. Once you get into the habit of writing down your thoughts, it can become very clear as to why things happened in your life the way they do. You have to have a belief that things can and will get better for you!! You cannot take on someone else's dream until you have finished yours. Or at least feel that you have accomplished some goals before you start trying to help others.

The power of the spoken work, mind, and spirit is amazing BUT you have to trust yourself enough to listen, learn, and grow.

The color candle I am suggesting is Prosperity Green because it can help relax you so you can make better choices.

This understanding of yourself can make your life sweet, but you have to put in the work to make it happen.

Please take your time and be good to yourself.

Love and Light,


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