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2020 Comes To A Close

Greeting and Salutations,

As we end 2020, it's been a year of redirection and growth. If I did not have my affirmations going through my head all the time, I would have become very depressed by what I have had to witness and endure. My candle company suffered major losses due to the shutdown and limited contact, my kid had to learn online only, but for the first time at the holidays I was not stressed out because we all had to stay in our own places and use Zoom to stay connected. By the same token, I have learned that I can do more with less. My diet and meal planning has made me really appreciate good home cooking. Missed seeing my family and friends but we did find a way to stay connected. Each year starts off with such hope but I know everything happens for a reason. Even if we do not understand those reasons for quite sometime. Affirmation and aromatherapy works but only if you use it. The strongest muscle is the mind and I have witnessed a ton of folks losing theirs this year. Watched a lady in my local Trader Joe's yell that she could not wear a mask while everyone around her was wearing theirs. That truly made me very sad because she didn't think about those less fortunate who have a low immune system and that is why in public we all have to follow the rules. Recently, I have known 2 deaths that were Covid-19 related. And I just found out several folks I know tested positive!! One of them admitted to me that she was not following the rules. She said who keeps up with all of these steps? You know what I said? I DO! Yep, I have followed all the suggestions that have been given and I will continue to do so until this situation is resolved.

With the month conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, I expect all of us to learn something about discipline this coming year. Along with the rest of the regular day to day stuff we all must endure. This is not a gloom or doom post but a "congratulations you made it through this year!!" post. Yep, you did it and that is a reason to celebrate. If for nothing but the fact that you are healthy and still alive another day. It's time to review what you have learned and how it's affected your life.

I write affirmations everyday and my prayer is for everyone to find peace within. To treat others like you would like to be treated. If we all used that measuring stick, we could make our world a hell of a lot better. The power of words have so much meaning and effect on your life that I don't think people realize how much you are allowing in your life. Think about what you are saying out loud. Then think about how your life is going? Does it match? Do you take any responsibility for your choices? It's a deep question so don't be quick to answer. Instead I would spend a little more time thinking about what you truly believe in. What would make you a better person?

Candles by Ari has a lovely line of affirmations aromatherapy candles that have all worked for years to bring mental and spiritual peace to the end user. Finding the right balance of color and fragrance may sound easy but it is not. But with my super sensitive nose I have always been very good at picking the perfect combination. My goal is to bring light to this world. So please check out our site and look for more coming in 2021.

Spiritual Coaching with Ari Mac will be back in January 2021 but here is one of my last podcasts of 2020. Take a listen and check out past episodes here:

I am going to need you to keep sending me positive light and I will do the same for you. We are in this together, so please stay in touch. Follow me on Instagram under @candlesbyari and like my page on Facebook under the same name. I even have a twitter account but will admit sometimes I do not keep up with it as much as I should. It's all a learning curve!

Happy 2021! Please be stay safe, stay healthy, and stay blessed.

Under grace in a perfect way.

And so it is!

Love and Light,

Ari Mac


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